1. No More Games
Well, this one has been easy to achieve as the gaming calendar has become reasonably threadbare. Ben's shifts being haywire, Matt's sojurn to the Phillipines and the general craziness around this time year when four of a group work in and around education has wrecked chaos on anything that could be called a concrete gaming schedule. Group Three sort of fizzled at birth because of this as well, which is probably a good thing. D&D4e is on the horizon as a sort of spiritual rebirth of the groups focus.
2. Go to more conventions
Easily achieved - Conpulsion was a cracking little convention and I'm off to Games Expo in a couple of weeks as well. After that we have Continuum in Leicester, Furnace in Sheffield and probably some D&H promotional work at Dragonmeet in London. We've also had CottageCon II in this timeframe as well. The casualty of this excitement has been GenCon US, which has had to be dropped for 101 reasons.
3. Finish Duty & HonourWell, we're nearly there. I have one bit of fresh material to write (The French bit), one bit to seriously rewrite (the way the Missions/Challenges actually works) and the examples to rework and then it's edit/layout. In my head I've pushed release back a little because the end of term and my teaching course are simply eating my time. However, it's nearly there!
4. Resume by position as the Iron DM
Just not going to happen in the near future. I don't have time to dedicate to a game in the way that I like to and neither game group has the calendar space to incorporate one. Andrew is set for a long run on 4eD&D and Group Two has BAYUHC and BAYUHC:The Moderning in the near future. I'm not unhappy about this at all.
5. Start gaming with the kids again
As the summer approaches, this comes higher on the agenda. Both of them are still interested but in the end its a time/quality issue again. I suspect we will do something over the summer holidays
D&D4e is on the horizon as a sort of spiritual rebirth of the groups focus.
Great, no pressure there then!
Let me clear something up for you. This is D&D 4E, the rp love that dare not speak its name, the holy grail of rp-ing. You are Andrew Watson, you have set impossibly high standards with your CottageCon efforts. This game is more important than the second coming of Jesus and in fact should be so good that Jesus would rather turn up and ask to play than lead us all to the Kingdom of Heaven.
So no, no pressure.
I believe Neil is overplaying it. One game finished, essentially Pendragon, and another came begins.
I think it's more a natural continuation than a spiritual rebirth.
So, no pressure.
We are stumbling around in a gaming wilderness. We cannot put two consequitive game sessions together in the same month. Our members are scattered across the globe. It's all gone fucking Pete Tong.
And then he descends, with three books in hand. After his exile in the Field of Sheff, he comes with great game and much experience. He is new, he is excited and he has a slacker job that gives him much time. Like the Iron DM before him, he will reforge the group that was broken, using the tools of the Coast Dwelling Wizards.
He is Watson
*cue dramatic music*
None of you are helping here!
We may get the 4e rules and find them unmitigateable drek!
I think that goes without saying but as you always maintain, you can make any set of rules into the game you want to play.
That's possible, it happened with nWoD Werewolf after all.
Your prejudices are showing Ben!
'Because we play nothing out of the box. Because we are, all of us, inveterate tinkerers. Because no game, no matter how well designed is perfect. Becasue the level of necessary tinkering may not be high. Because what a designer thinks the game is for may not be what you the player or GM thinks its for. Because the idea of emergent play is bollocks.'
You are the same Andrew Watson who wrote that, are you not?
I was referring to:
I think that goes without saying
In response to:
We may get the 4e rules and find them unmitigateable drek!
Sorry, getting my prejudices mixed up.
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