Sunday, December 27, 2009

[Box] Prototyps and Felt Pens

So I decided to have a fiddle about making up a prototype of the character card for [Box]. I'm all about the paper-art so it was an easy little challenge for me. Since doing it I've worked out a way to do it better as well, as accuracy and pritt-stik don't sit as natural buddies.

So, what do we have? Five boxes, large enough to put a stack of 12mm d6s on them, of some appropriate colours. A large white box for as-yet-undefined stuff. And a box for an image, in this example we have McGann as Dr Who. The image is changeable as we will see later.

I want to mention the terrible state of felt-tipped pens at this point. The ones that coloured this card are new and frankly, the brown couldn't do half the card. Pathetic. Really shoddy quality. If I were one of my kids I would be complaining!

Anyway, thats what I used to colour in card.

The second card is the same chamber card with a picture of the blue lass from Avatar. The image slides in and out of the hole from the top.

I'm quite pleased with this as a very first prototype. I'm going to look at some alternative designs tomorrow, including one that is a bit bigger but easier to create.

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